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Traditional Tea Solutions to Modern Problems 

There has been a huge resurgence in recent years of people looking for herbal alternatives to the many synthetic solutions that exist today. These synthetic solutions often have side effects which can be ...

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There has been a huge resurgence in recent years of people looking for herbal alternatives to the many synthetic solutions that exist today. These synthetic solutions often have side effects which can be comparable to the ailment itself, and in some cases can potentiate the problem. 

Whereas herbal solutions are typically much safer, and rather than producing negative side effects, they often have positive ones.The most ancient form of herbal remedy is tea, which, simply put, is plant matter steeped in water. 

Over thousands of years of using these plants to cure and soothe various ailments, we as a species have a good idea of what is and isn’t useful. While they aren’t so effective in treating more serious illnesses or injuries, there are Ayurvedic teas and other traditional solutions to common and minor ailments.

Ayurvedic Teas

Meaning ‘science of life’, Ayurvedic remedies have been relied on both in the Indian subcontinent and worldwide for thousands of years now. Within Ayurveda, the universe is split into five elements: water, fire, earth, air, and space; and three energies known as ‘dosha’: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Understanding these and how they relate to yourself, and your mental and physical health can be helpful but isn’t entirely necessary. Simply utilizing some of the ingredients which they would’ve used can yield sufficient results. Some common ingredients in Ayurvedic teas include:

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Regarded as the physical manifestation of the Hindu deity Tulasi, tulsi or holy basil is one of the most common ingredients in ayurvedic teas. Beyond this association, the sacredness of tulsi is bolstered by its variety of potential positives, such as:

- Rich in Vitamin C and Zinc, Tulsi can help boost your immunity

- It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties

- It can help to alleviate indigestion and nausea, and can also promote appetite Considering the above benefits, it’s no surprise that this plant was so revered, and is still considered a powerful medicine even today


Most people will already be familiar with the benefits of turmeric, but for those that aren’t, it has relatively miraculous properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient behind the benefits of turmeric, has a range of beneficial properties, although it does need to be combined with other ingredients for maximum effect. Look for those ayurvedic teas which combine turmeric with peppercorns, as the active ingredient piperine can enhance curcumin absorption up to 2,000%.


While you may not know it from other spices, if you’ve ever eaten Indian food then you’ve likely enjoyed the warm anise flavor packed into those pods. Common in ayurvedic teas, cardamom offers such benefits as:

- Helps treat dental caries and halitosis (bad breath)

- It has vasodilator properties and can help lower high blood pressure, as well as promote circulation

- It can help with gastrointestinal problems as well as nausea and can help release gas

- Can help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness common in cars and planes


Last but certainly not least, lemongrass, which has the bonus of being delicious, while also providing a range of benefits when drank as a tea. Lemongrass is a common ingredient in citronella products that deter bugs as well as freshen the air, and also in many Asian cuisines from Vietnamese to Sri Lankan. Try a lemongrass tea if you’re keen for the following benefits:

- It may have antimicrobial properties which can help treat oral infections and cavities

- It has long been used as a remedy for an upset stomach and can promote healthy digestion

- It has diuretic properties which may be beneficial to people who suffer from liver failure, heart failure or edema

Other Common Ingredients

There are many many other ingredients in various ayurvedic teas, many of which can enhance and bolster the properties of the aforementioned. The following can also be beneficial in conjunction with the above: - ginger

- rooibos

- cinnamon

- peppermint

- licorice

- black, white, and rose peppercorn

Everybody is different, and there are no truly universal remedies so expect a process of trial and error when trying these different teas. Many of the above mentioned are also suitable for children and teenagers too, and establishing a routine of using tea for common ailments early in life can become a lifelong skill. Instead of growing these herbs and spices, or buying them individually, look for those blends made by reputable providers. They will often be able to tell you what the tea can help with, e.g. digestive problems, so it can also be helpful to make note of the symptoms or ailments you wish to alleviate.